Sunday, January 9, 2011

Amy looks at me funny sometimes...

The other day I grabbed Amy’s boob. She was holding Foster and when he spit up I reached over with a towel and sort of pushed one of the girls to the side so I could get at the mess and help her clean it up. Amy just stared at me until I realized what I was doing.

I said that romance wasn’t was just hibernating.


Speaking of romance, I remember the days when there was excitement and a bit of sexiness involved with unbuckling or unfastening articles of clothing in front of your mate. This does not apply when you are carrying a sleeping child in a carrier and gently trying to get him to lie down without waking him up:

“Oh Honey, I can’t wait to be with you! But first, have you got his paci? Ok, good. On the count of three, I’ll get him unbuckled and you help cradle his head down. I’ll put the Paci in and you start the aquarium. Then we’ll make sweet, sweet love. Ready? One…two…”


Today I was playing on the computer while Amy was nursing Foster. He fussed a bit and out of habit I asked if I could help. I got another blank stare from Amy.


Foster displayed his first real act of defiance with me the other day. I was putting him in his car seat for like the 6th time and the poor guy was just not having it. Instead of the standard cry and arm flail, I got concentrated slapping of my hands while I was trying to buckle him in. I felt sad for him and also a little sad for me. My little guy in his own way said his first “no”. Frown.


My process for writing this blog is that I usually try to remember quirky things as they happen throughout the week and then just jot them down with a little scribble to remind me about it later. This was in my notes from a few weeks back:

Black Box as It Relates to Blogs.

I have no idea what it means. Please just assume it was witty and amusing.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! This is all great, but I love the "black box"

    Could it have had to do with remembering things long after you've old?
