Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Parenting thoughts of the month

Mark: So, now that Foster is ready for cereal what should we use? Something kind of easy on him? Rice Crispies?

Amy: Ha ha ha. Good one.

Mark: What are you talking about?

Amy: Oh. Dear lord...


I was watching Nickelodeon the other day (sigh) and noticed something creepy. On most of the toy commercials with action figures there is a point when they fly across the screen in excitement, carried by anonymous hands as they battle each other. In alarming frequency you'll be able to see that the hands carrying the toys are adult hands. One I saw the other day actually had hair on the knuckles. *Shudder*


Now that we're feeding Foster, I have another word for my dad-dictionary: Decoy Spoon. This is not the main spoon to use, but rather the extra one that you have to psych your kid out in holding so you can actually get anything near his face. When Amy gave me one to use I kind of laughed at her at first. Now it's not so funny.


Another edition in the Dictionary is: TOH. This is what Amy and I type to each other when sometimes we're emailing or texting throughout the day. It means typing-one-handed (while holding the baby) and gives us permission to avoid punctuation, capitalization and basically be short without having hurt feelings.


Putting Foster to sleep, or rather, KEEPING him asleep is getting more and more delicate these nights. We think it's partly because he's becoming more interested in the sounds and smells around him. Anyway, it's making me feel like the Pink Panther whenever I enter or exit his room. Also, for some strange reason it's also the time of night when I'm at my clumsiest! If there is a chance I'll stub a foot or bang a door or knock over something...it's about 100 times more likely to happen when the baby is asleep. Why is that?

1 comment:

  1. The sleep stage...the keeping asleep stage being precarious- this was when we put J in her own room...it was worth it for us...It's amazing how much more attuned to sounds are when it matter the most...library books with that crinkly plastic crap out- cell phones- all off before you enter the room. Just take your clothes off in the hallway and crawl to the bed...
