Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life is weird.

Amy and I had our first date night in a long time which we both really enjoyed. I wined and diner her and at the end of the night someone else got to play with the girls. Harumph.

I've learned to treat Fudge like a public pool when it comes to diaper changing. Twice I've escaped disaster by milliseconds when changing him too early after a first poop. I guess he has this desire to christen new diapers right away. Anyway, from now on I'm giving him 20 minutes after the first sign of thunder before allowing myself anywhere near his butt.

Car packing is now equivalent to deep sea exploration. Caleb, Amy, Fudge and I went to Columbus this past week and my Saturn was packed like a sardine. And that was sans Yogi! I guess a Minivan is in our future.

After that I guess I have to start hiking up my trousers to my armpits.

Did I just use the word trousers? Oh's starting...

Wow...already she's under her pre-pregnancy weight. The shape, however, is still being re-constructed (and yes, I asked her for the OK to type this.) She looked mighty good in her Capri's the other night though! :)


Mark: "Look!, Fudge doesn't even know how to grab things. See Caleb?"
Caleb: "Wow, he is dumb..."

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