Still waiting.
However, we must be getting close because Amy told me yesterday that she lost her mucus plug...which (in her words) was like a big vagina sneeze. Hmm...I wonder if I should have said gesundheit?
This revelation was one of many signs that we are close. On Saturday (d-day + 1) Amy had the idea that we should go to the pool. In Bloomington! Against my objections we went. Of course, 10 minutes after leaving the safe boundaries of Champaign (and its nice, comfy emergency rooms) Amy started having contractions. At first they were about 14 minutes apart but by the time we reached the pool they were closer to 11.
Well, fast forward a couple of hours (and a broken eardrum, which is another story) we get back into the car and she's contracting at about 6 minutes apart. As you can probably guess, I didn't handle it very well. Amy was sure it was nothing but I was pretty sure we were about to enter sit-com territory where I'm pulled over on I-74 trying to deliver Fudge from the back seat while the kindly farmer runs to get water...
Alas, the contractions subsided. At least for a while. They've made some appearances here and there since then but for now everything is holding steady at Def-Con 3.
And now for a guest blog commentary from Amy:
First. I don't recall any "objections" of going to Normal to swim in the pool (until after your eardrum was broken). Second. I was consistently reassuring you that my contractions were not that serious as I could talk through all of them and at NO time did I tell you that you should call your mom (and doubles partner) to tell them that I was experiencing contractions. Third. I promise that we will not leave Champaign until after the baby gets here if YOU promise not to panic and give me that "look" everytime I tell you I'm having a contraction. Deal?
Editors Note: This blog was written with full permission of the "mucus plug" story.
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